
4823 |1
发表于 2022-5-25 10:24:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这个机器属于物联网基础设施,就是一个特定频段的无线路由器,它通过机器之间相互建立链接形成一个专用无线网络可以给物联网设备提供网络(比如已经应用在美国亚马逊物流上了,还有其他一些国外公司在用这个无线网络)这是它的实际落地应用  ,但是国内目前还没大量应用目前只是作为纯挖矿的机器。这个整体的作用本身是作为200倍WiFi的速度,对家用的智能设备电器就进行互联,上到家电大件物品,下到宠物的项圈项链。都可以完成区域式分部和覆盖。
机器介绍:公告很低5W  一个月耗电也 0.005*24*30=3.6度电每台机器还需要上下行5M的带宽然后每台机器需要一个IP,费用大概120元一个月。客户可以自己买回去挖但是建议20台以上组建一个矿池产量才比较稳定,因为机器的运行和收益是分为三个角色的:挑战者、被挑战者以及见证者,见证者的收益是最高的,也是最重要的身份。每一次的挑战都由客户钱包内的机器随机生成,然而挑战者和被挑战者的身份终究只有俩台机器,剩余的见证者越多,机器的整体收益就越稳定越高。这也是我们说推荐客户购买大基数的机器进行布群的原理。机器越多产生的见证者身份的机器就更多更密集,收益自然很可观了。

This machine belongs to the Internet of Things infrastructure, which is a wireless router with a specific frequency band. It forms a private wireless network by establishing links between machines, which can provide a network for Internet of Things devices (for example, it has been applied to Amazon logistics in the United States, and other Some foreign companies are using this wireless network) This is its actual application, but it has not been widely used in China. It is currently only used as a pure mining machine. The overall function itself is as a 200-fold WiFi speed, interconnecting household smart devices and appliances, ranging from large household appliances to pet collars and necklaces. Both can complete regional division and coverage.

Mining mechanism: After establishing connections between adjacent machines, the main network randomly checks nodes and sends verification messages to prove the availability of the network to reward each device. Challenge each other and witness the official decision to reward HNT, which is also the overall profit and profit method of the Heliums community. The average daily output of 10 machines is 0.3-0.35, and the income is still difficult to be unimpressed.

Machine introduction: The announcement is very low 5W, and the power consumption per month is also 0.005*24*30=3.6 kWh. Each machine also needs a bandwidth of 5M upstream and downstream, and each machine needs an IP, and the cost is about 120 yuan a month. Customers can buy back and mine by themselves, but it is recommended to set up a mining pool with more than 20 units for stable output, because the operation and income of the machine are divided into three roles: challenger, challenged and witness. The income of the witness is the highest , and the most important identity. Each challenge is randomly generated by the machine in the client's wallet. However, after all, there are only two machines in the identity of the challenger and the challenged. The more witnesses remaining, the more stable and higher the overall income of the machine will be. This is also the reason why we recommend that customers buy machines with a large cardinality for group distribution. The more machines there are, the more and denser the machines with the identity of the witnesses will be, and the benefits will naturally be considerable.


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发表于 2022-5-26 14:47:14 | 显示全部楼层
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