ethos1.2.3下载(支持升级) 专业的Linux挖矿系统

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发表于 2017-10-8 13:05:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



  • 软件和挖矿:自动IP /主机名分配,无需安装任何驱动程序,配置XWindows或编译任何软件。
  • 支持多达16个AMD RX系列GPU:包括对Intel Z170 / X / 270 / X芯片组和AMD Ryzen的支持。
  • 支持多达16个NVIDIA GPU:任何2GB + GTX 900和GTX 1000系列。
  • 支持多达8个AMD R7 / R9系列GPU:任何2GB + HD 7000系列,任何R9 200/300 / Fury / Nano。
  • 支持多个硬币:准备开采ETH,Zcash,Monero和许多其他gpu-minable硬币。
  • 基于浏览器的终端:允许通过Web浏览器连接到其IP地址来设置和配置ethOS设备。
  • 支持所有硬盘和软体:不需要额外的块链存储,池和钱包处理的块链同步。
  • 在您的硬件上运行:在数以千计的钻机上运行数千种不同的组件。
  • 远程配置:远程重启,设置核心时钟,内存时钟,风扇控制,池信息和其他设置。
  • 极轻便:在最后5代只有2GB的RAM上制造最薄弱的CPU。
  • GPU过热保护:如果GPU达到温度阈值,GPU将自动调节或关闭。
  • 启用层次:通过有效层自动配置为采矿。
  • 自动报告:具有详细钻机统计,图表和事件报告(示例)的Web面板。
  • Easy KVM:终端窗口打开,重点是启动,无需鼠标。
  • 轻松更新:使用单个命令更新到最新的ethOS版本。
  • 快速启动:快速矿工启动,低磁盘/ CPU使用率,无空间问题。
  • BIOS闪存:atiflash实用程序允许更新gpu bios。

  • Boots and mines: Automatic IP/hostname assignment, no need to install any drivers, configure XWindows, or compile any software.
  • Supports up to 16 AMD RX Series GPUs: Including support for RX Series voltage control and Z170/X/Z270/X/Ryzen Chipsets.
  • Supports up to 16 NVIDIA GPUs: Any 2GB+ GTX 900 and GTX 1000 series.
  • Supports up to 8 AMD R7/R9 Series GPUs: Any 2GB+ HD 7000 series, any R9 200/300/Fury/Nano.
  • Supports multiple coins: Ready to mine Ethereum, Zcash, Monero and many other gpu-minable coins.
  • Browser-based terminal: allow setup and configuration of ethOS rigs by connecting to their IP addresses via your web browser.
  • Supports all hardforks and softforks: No need for extra Blockchain storage, blockchain syncing handled by pools and wallets.
  • Works on your hardware: Running on thousands of rigs with thousands of different components.
  • Remote configuration: Instruct rig to remote reboot, set core clocks, mem clocks, fan control, pool info, and other settings remotely.
  • Extremely lightweight: Works with weakest possible CPU made in the last 5 generations on only 2gb of ram.
  • GPU overheat protection: GPUs will automatically throttle or turn off if they reach temperature thresholds.
  • Stratum enabled: Automatically configured to mine via efficient stratum.
  • Automatic reporting: Web panel with detailed rig statistics, charts, and event reports (example).
  • Easy KVM: A terminal window opens with focus on boot, no mouse required.
  • Easy update: Update to the latest ethOS version with a single command.
  • Fast startup: Fast miner startup, low disk/cpu usage, and no out-of-space issues.
  • Bios flashing: atiflash utility allows for quick gpu bios flashing.


  • 1. ethos1.2.3 下载地址1 (密码: kynu)

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