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发表于 2022-5-23 10:46:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
helium热点是一个小型硬件设备,他为使用helium网络的设备创建一个大型无线网络。想象一下它,就像一个WiFi路由器,但是可以为设备远程传输少量的数据。这些设备是通常被称之为物联网(Internet of things)行业的一部分。通过在您家中或办公室部署一个简单的设备,即可为您所在的城市提供数英里低功耗网络,该网络整体覆盖多达数十亿台设备城市,并可挖掘新型加密货币HNT,由于采用的是创新性工作验证模式(poc),您的设备仅仅只用5W耗能。helium旨在通过建立无线运行商网络来简化物联网设备和传感器之类的连接。通过列斯WiFi路由器的成为热点的设备,登录APP进行简单的操作。然后用网线将一段接入传统互联网,另外一段通过天线贴在你家窗户或者放置在房顶,就可以创造数公里覆盖范围的可供物联网设备连接的基站低功耗网络。当前物联网要介入互联网需要蓝牙,WiFi或移动互联网接入,这就必须考虑功耗和设备入网 本身的成本问题。
几乎不需要花费多少,热点的耗费的电能很少,在峰值约耗5瓦电,这比一个标准的LED灯泡耗电还少。像在洛杉矶这样的城市,运行他每天花费不超过 0.05美元,你不需要做任何事,热点在后台安静的运行,产生覆盖范围按传输路径传输,你只需要保证它一直插电且与WiFi保持连接,就可以了。

What is the helium hotspot mining machine?

A helium hotspot is a small hardware device that creates a large wireless network for devices using the helium network. Imagine it, like a WiFi router, but with the ability to transmit small amounts of data remotely for the device. These devices are part of an industry commonly referred to as the Internet of things. By deploying a simple device in your home or office, you can provide your city with a low-power network for miles, covering up to billions of devices in the city as a whole, and mining the new cryptocurrency HNT, thanks to the adoption of The innovative proof-of-work mode (poc) allows your device to consume only 5W of power. Helium aims to simplify the connection of things like IoT devices and sensors by building a network of wireless carriers. Through the device that becomes the hotspot of the Les WiFi router, log in to the APP to perform simple operations. Then use a network cable to connect one part to the traditional Internet, and the other part is attached to your window or placed on the roof through an antenna to create a low-power network of base stations that can be connected to IoT devices with a coverage of several kilometers. At present, the Internet of Things needs to be connected to the Internet by Bluetooth, WiFi or mobile Internet, which must consider the power consumption and the cost of the device itself.

2. How much does it cost to operate a hotspot?
It doesn't cost much, and the hotspot uses very little power, around 5 watts at peak, which is less than a standard LED light bulb. In a city like Los Angeles, it costs no more than $0.05 a day to run it, you don't need to do anything, the hotspot runs quietly in the background, generating coverage by the transmission path, you just need to make sure it's always plugged in and connected to WiFi Connect and you're done.


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发表于 2022-5-26 15:20:28 | 显示全部楼层
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